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WordPress-Datenbank-Fehler: [You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ') and p.post_type = 'page' and p.post_status = 'publish' ' at line 16]
SELECT pm.*, p.post_excerpt, p.post_title, pma1.meta_value as post_image, pma1.post_id as attachment_id FROM wp_postmeta pm left join wp_posts p on (p.ID = pm.post_id) left join wp_postmeta pma on (p.ID = pma.post_id and pma.meta_key = "_thumbnail_id" AND pma.meta_value IS NOT NULL) left join wp_postmeta pma1 on (pma.meta_value = pma1.post_id and pma1.meta_key = "_wp_attached_file" AND pma1.meta_value IS NOT NULL) where pm.meta_key = '_tt_pressmind_category' and ( ) and p.post_type = 'page' and p.post_status = 'publish' group by p.id

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